нужно найти интернациональные слова! mineral resources
Coal is the main mineral resource of Kuzbass. Its territory comprises the Kuznetsk black
coal basin and the western part of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin,
Kuzbass is one of the largest coal basins in Russia and the main, if not the only, supplier of process ruw material to the Russian industries. The conditioned reserves of black coal in Kuzbass exceed the total world's reserves of oil and natural gas by more than 7 times (when converted into equivalent coal) and reach almost 700 billion tons, of which over 200 billion tons account for coking coals (cf. coking coals reserves in Donbass - 25 billion tons; in the Pechora coal basin - 9 billion tons; in Karaganda - 13 billion tons).
Today, the reserves of coking coals in Kuzbass account for 73% of the total reserves of these types of coal in the developed coal basins of Russia, and over 80% of Russia's coking coals are mined in Kuzbass
Non-coking steam coals account for 70% of the total coal reserves in Kuzbass. The rest of the black coals are unique as they have an ability to coke and therefore can be used as both power- gencrating and by-product-coking material, depending on the way of their preparation
Kuzbass coals are ofunique quality. They come in almost all process grades and groups from brown coals to anthracites. Thcir main natural advantagc over the coals from other basins of the world, however, is that they combine such qualitative indicators as high calorific value (6250 kcal/kg), low sulfur content (0.4 0.6%), low moisture (7.8-10%) and medium ash (15.3-23.2%) These indicators are much better than the average ones in the Russian coal industry. Special attention should be given to such unique coals of Kuzbass as sapro-mixites from the Barzas coal busin, They have a high percentage of low-phenol resin (up to 38%) and are a valuable chemical matcrial for producing petrol products and asphalt concrete
Coal is the main, but not the only mineral resource in Kuznetsk land. Its interior contains all
the elements of Meldeleyev's Periodic Table
Kuzbass is also rich in other fuel resources, such as peat (over 20 fields), some oil and natural
The southern part of Gumaya Shoria has enormous iron ore deposits. Most of them are located on the banks of the Kondoma River There are some iron ore deposits closer to Novokuznetsk, in the Telbess area, as well as in the centre and in the north of Kuzbass. The explored ore reserves are estimated to reach billions of tons.
Manganese is needed for melting high-quality metal. One of the largest manganese ore
deposits in Russia is not far from Mezhdurechensk, its reserves reaching about 200 million tons
The Salair mountain-ridge is a of complex ore containing vine, lead, silver and
gold Placers of this noble metal can be found almost anywhere in Kuzbass
Many places in our region are rich in non-metallic resources (about 150 deposits, 50 of which are in operation), for example, phosphorites and apotites. They are mined in Gornaya Shoria and on the flanks of the Kuznetsk Alatau.
Limestone, which is used in cement production, is mined in Yashkino and Topky regions. There are also deposits of fire clay, dolomites and quartzites in Kuzbass used in metal
In addition to the mineral resources mentioned above, our region is rich in semi-precious stones, such as amethyst, jasper, agate, comedian und others stones used in jewellery manufacture. The mineral resources of Kuzbass are unique iterms of their variety, quantity, and quality In this respect, the region can only compare to Urals

Elizabet4722 Elizabet4722    3   24.02.2021 06:15    9

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