нужно написать во к кроссворду.
1. nuts
2. vegtables
4. meat
6. spices
8. oils
10. pasta
3. cereal
5. snacks
7. poultry
9. sweets

fty354y4 fty354y4    2   14.05.2020 19:19    0

Жулдуз111 Жулдуз111  14.10.2020 19:06

1. What do squirrels eat?

2. Edible plants?

4. What does mom cook the broth from?

6. What can add spice and salinity to food?

8. What can’t you fry food in a pan without?

10. What is the name of the most popular dish in Italy?

5. What kind of food can you buy at a vending machine?

3. What do we eat quarantined?

7. What kind of bird is raised on the farm for food?

9. What do children ask for halloween?

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