Нужно написать сочинение на языке на тему: "какой будет еда в будущем"

YoY88ghtulop YoY88ghtulop    1   07.10.2019 05:20    2

twitder122 twitder122  10.10.2020 00:59
I think that food in the future will be very different. There are won't be any water in the bottles, we will use different useful pack. Also people will eat only healthy food like vegetables and fruits and won't eat products from animals! if we find another planets vith life, we will eat their food. In my mind people will think that our food was terrible
Anastasia1tsv Anastasia1tsv  10.10.2020 00:59

What kind of food will be in the future?

As the pollution significantly influences on the nature and animals, I think in the future we will have a 3D printed food. It can be healthy for people and can be good for animals. Such food will have only useful ingredients. There will not be fat products. We could print pasta, pizza, rice! Everybody will eat a 3D printed food, even people with food diseases. I think we will not waste much time for cooking such food. To my mind, the price for such food will be the same everywhere. This 3D food will be tasty and enrich in vitamins and minerals.  

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