Нужно написать сочинение на тему "кем я восхищаюсь". можно и на языке и на . желательно от 80 до 100 слов

ifddhhx ifddhhx    1   02.10.2019 01:50    0

kris406 kris406  09.10.2020 10:46

The person I admire is my mother. Mum is the closest and dearest person who will always come to the rescue, who will caress, regret, and give valuable advice. From my earliest childhood, I wanted to be like my mother. She's beautiful, smart, and caring. I remember my childhood. I was always surprised at how my mother managed everything. She helped my older sister do her homework, picked me up from kindergarten, came home from work and cooked a delicious dinner. Every weekend we went for a walk in the park together. Before going to bed, she would tell me some stories, or we would just talk about how our day went off. And we loved playing board games. My mother also had time to sew and compose poems. And she was good at it. Of course, there was a time when I made and still make mistakes, and my mother always gives me advice, and she can scold me. But my mum and I are like two girlfriends. I don't have secrets from her. I trust her. She is a very sociable person. She has a lot of friends with whom she always finds a common language.

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