Нужно написать про себя. минимум 100 слов только не с интернета должно быть 4 абзаца​

wehhc wehhc    3   12.03.2019 18:50    1

kulmameteva kulmameteva  25.05.2020 02:27

When I look at the school.

The road takes 15 minutes. I am walking along a narrow, slippery road that goes past the Pyaterochka store and past its huge garbage dump, standing near residential buildings. It is always littered and always smokes.

I walk through the courtyard of school number 682, bypass a group of smoking moms who loudly discuss the school. Wipers with shovels go by, which I dodge, children rush with huge backpacks and cats walk. They are fun and beautiful. In the fall they were kittens. I find it interesting to see how they grow

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