нужно написать небольшой текст.в какой стране я побывал.описать страну , назвать дастопримечательности ,и кухню этой страны.

anshul anshul    1   15.06.2019 18:50    0

ivankn ivankn  12.07.2020 20:23
Horowo? tekst naprimer pro turciyu ne protiv?
this year on my summer holidays i was in Turkey.turkey is a wonderful country with friendly people.There are many beautiful places in Turkey.they are;the monument of youth dad? getting the vout and others.Turkey's food are very delicious,there are so many national food there such as kebabs,sherbet,the gold yiop,simits and others, in conclusion i want to say that turkey is a wonderful country/i hope that i will home there soon
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