Нужно написать небольшое письмо другу, рассказывая ему о своем друге\подруге. (черты характера, его хобби, итд) около 70-100 слов. буду

polina359674 polina359674    1   12.06.2019 10:00    1

kisslenkayaozax1i kisslenkayaozax1i  09.07.2020 22:44
Привет! У меня есть друг по имени Максим. Он очень хороший, мы с ним всегда гуляем по парку, мне с ним интересно и хорошо. Он любит играть в футбол и в шашки. я рад что у меня есть такой друг! *
zandaryanartem1 zandaryanartem1  09.07.2020 22:44
My name is Sergey. I’m twelve years old. I’m in the sixth grade. I have a lot of friends but I want to tell about my best friend. His name is Alexander. He’s my school-mate. Sasha is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. He is very responsive. He will help me in hour of need. I always can rely on him. Sasha goes to sports school. He is very tall that’s why he goes in for basketball. On weekends we play football or cycle. Sometimes we go fishing and fish crucians. Also he is fond of playing computer games and watching horror films. His favourite films are “Saw” and “Scream”. We often go to the cinema. Sasha is true friend. My father says that I’m lucky because I have so reliable and true friend.
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