Нужно написать мини-сочинение по языку на тему проблемы подростков

dragonhar dragonhar    1   20.08.2019 00:50    0

vmatveicheva vmatveicheva  26.08.2020 07:15
Проблемы залипать в фаге и все
ProPython ProPython  26.08.2020 07:15
Some parents think that teenager life is simple and there's nothing to worry about. This is not true.
They don't think about for example that treir child might be crying every night because of his classmates fight him and say terrible things about him, do they?
This is hard. Imagine, we're waking up every morning at 7 a.m., go to a place that biggest part of teenagers hate, sit there half of the day, go home, we are soo tired but we have to do A LOT of homework. Cool, right?
During a teenage years a lot of people think that they are stupid. Useless. Ugly. Fat. That's sad, but they are really do.
A lot of them have not friends, this is why they're making friendship in Internet. Maybe then they feel that someone love them and need them because it's not happens in real life.
If you are adult and even a parent , please, don't yell at your child and try to help him if he asks for this. You don't know about all the problems he have.
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