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The word “robot” conjures up images of famous Hollywood humanoid characters, but robots are mostly undramatic mechanical devices programmed to perform specific repetitive functions. They are used routinely to carry out many tasks that people don’t want to do because such jobs are boring, dirty or dangerous.
Robots can also be programmed to carry out some tasks that are too complex for humans. They are broadly classified as industrial and have multiple uses from robots that weld parts on auto assembly lines to robots that interact with humans in the service industry.
Though you may not feel like you are dealing with a robot, using the self checkout lane at the grocery store or purchasing tickets from a kiosk at the movies involves interacting with service robots. Robots most obviously impact everyday life in the service capacity.
Robotics may still seem to some like a far-off futuristic fantasy, but robots have been a part of daily life for several decades. The Tech Museum of Innovation notes that while the idea of robots was around for centuries, robots became a reality in the 1950s and 1960s when transistors and integrated circuits were invented. Not all robots walk and talk; some simply do their job and are not designed to speak or interact with humans. Robots in the modern world fulfill a wide variety of tasks.

saigafarovatn saigafarovatn    1   29.01.2022 00:59    0

Fara3747 Fara3747  29.01.2022 01:00

Are robots undramatic mechanical devices? общ.

What tasks do robots do? спец.

Where can we meet robots? спец.

Have robots been a part of daily life? общ.

When did robots become a reality? спец.

Do all robots walk and talk? общ.

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