Нужно дополнить предложение и перевести на русский. 1. Each class is grouped tegether
2. There are spaces created just for children
3. The majority of the young children are brought to school by
4. They observe nature 5. The children take a nap after...
6. After these health- improvement exercises 7. They can choose from an array...
8. The majority of the children go home
9. The psychologist gives advice to
10.Onethingemainsunchanged ..​

Нужно дополнить предложение и перевести на русский. 1. Each class is grouped tegether 2. There are

damilyaelesheva damilyaelesheva    1   09.02.2021 13:36    194

ПоЗиТиВ4ЧиК ПоЗиТиВ4ЧиК  25.01.2024 08:17
1. Each class is grouped together - Каждый класс объединен вместе.
Explanation: This means that all the students in a particular class are placed in the same group or are seated together.

2. There are spaces created just for children - Созданы пространства только для детей.
Explanation: This means that specific areas or rooms have been designed exclusively for children, providing them with a suitable environment.

3. The majority of the young children are brought to school by - Большинство маленьких детей доставляют в школу...
Explanation: This implies that most young children are accompanied or brought to school by someone, such as their parents, caregivers, or siblings.

4. They observe nature - Они наблюдают природу.
Explanation: This indicates that the children spend time observing and studying the natural world around them, such as plants, animals, and the environment.

5. The children take a nap after... - Дети спят после...
Explanation: This suggests that the children have a designated period for rest or a nap after engaging in certain activities or lessons.

6. After these health-improvement exercises - После этих упражнений для улучшения здоровья...
Explanation: This describes a specific set of exercises or physical activities aimed at improving the children's health and well-being. It implies that these exercises are conducted regularly.

7. They can choose from an array... - Они могут выбрать из множества...
Explanation: This means that the children have a wide range or variety of options to choose from, such as activities, games, or subjects to study.

8. The majority of the children go home - Большинство детей идут домой.
Explanation: This suggests that most of the children leave the school premises and go back to their homes at the end of the day or after finishing their activities.

9. The psychologist gives advice to - Психолог дает советы для...
Explanation: This states that a psychologist provides guidance or advice to someone, such as the children, their parents, or the school staff, regarding various psychological or emotional aspects.

10. One thing remains unchanged - Одно остается неизменным...
Explanation: This implies that despite various changes or developments, there is something that remains constant or unaltered. The complete sentence is missing, so the context is unclear without further information.
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