Нужно, 1) перепишите данное предложение в пассивном залоге, опуская слово they / someone. например: they have sold the company. the company has been sold. they were repairing the traffic lights yesterday. 2)перепишите данное предложение в пассивном залоге, опуская слово they / someone. например: they have sold the company. the company has been sold. they deliver the post twice a day. 3)перепишите данное предложение в активном залоге, начиная с данного слова (само слово не пишите). например: the phone is being repaired now. they are repairing the phone. the information is kept on our computer. we 4) перепишите данное предложение в активном залоге, начиная с данного слова (само слово не пишите). например: the phone is being repaired now. they are repairing the phone. a new motorway has been built. they 5) перепишите данное предложение, начиная с данного слова. it is said that golf was invented in china. golf 6) перепишите данное предложение, начиная с данного слова. the president is expected to visit moscow. it 7) перепишите данное предложение, начиная с данного слова. например: they serviced ken's car yesterday. ken had his car serviced yesterday. someone cleans sue's flat once a week. sue
2) The post is delivered twice a day
3) We are keeping information on our computer
4) They have built a new motorway
5) Golf is invented in China
6) It is expected that president visits Moscow
7) Sue has her flat cleaned once a week