Нужне рассказ на ! про страну в которую ты путешествовал какие там достопромечательности какой это город с кем ты ездил и в конце отзыв об этой стране и сколько вам не хватило времени побывать еще в каких то ! !

arzanix arzanix    2   29.05.2019 21:40    2

David2209 David2209  29.06.2020 11:10
London is the capital of Great Britain. It lies on the banks of the Thames river. There are many old buildings in London. If you go to London, you should visit one of the oldest building in London - the Tower. It was built in the eleventh century by William the Conqueror. You should see the famous building - Saint Paul's Cathedral, it's a masterpiece of architecture. Westminster Abbey is the place where nearly all kings and queens have been crowned Ilike to go to the West End, because there are many shops, theatres and restaurants If you are in London, you have to ride on the cab and the double-decker bus, because they are the symbols of London. You have to ride on the London Eye, because there is a wonderful view from the London Eye and you should go to the Hyde Park, because you can have a rest there.
London is also a modern city. A lot skyscrapers have been built there. The metro of London is one of the biggest and best of the world.
No doubt, London is a city worth to see.
максимус67 максимус67  29.06.2020 11:10
Country, where I travelled.
I saw a little sights: restaurant of ice-cream, fortress, cannons and woden ship. It's located in Pafos. I arrived there with my parents. It's beautiful city! People are polite, they try to help you. There is delicious ice-cream. In restaurant you can eat fresh and delicious food. But if you will buy food in supermarket, it will be expensive. Else, there is beautiful and good nature. There is good zoo, where animals stroll in nature. Else there is good teacher of swimming pool. But in one restaurant they cook very bad. Else, one cat went to our house. It ate a lot. I would like to go there again.
P.S. Of course, it's necessary to say, that I spoke English very well. I often spoke English. And they understood me. It's pity, that I have been there only one month. I would like to live there two more months
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