нужна Составьте предложения по следующим образцам, используя данные слова и словосочетания.

Образец 1: My son сап (can’t) speak English.

My son couldn't speak English last year but he can do~it now.

to read, to write, to skate, to ski, to teach little chil dren, to play chess (volley-ball, tennis, football), to speah German (French), to walk

Образец 2: “Can I leave my bag here?”


“I’m afraid not’’.

to take, to have, to give, to tell, to speak, to go, to see, to meet, to leave, to put

Образец 3: “Could you open the window, please?’ “Certainly."

to send, to get smth. for smb., to close, to do smth for smb., to write about smth., to speak to smb.

Образец 4. He was only able to see us at five.

He couldn’t speak English last year.

to translate, to see, to teach, to go to the cinema (theatre one’s friend’s, one’s parents’, the park), to go, to come tc see, to speak to smb.

vikaovcerenko vikaovcerenko    2   15.05.2020 14:47    175

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