If your homework had lots of mistakes and looked very messy, your teacher would probably give you a low mark. But with the Problem Pad, you can just wipe off any mistakes in your work and write it again. You might work out the ahswers to problems lost of times and your homework will still look neat. It is a portable whiteboard- similar to the one in a classroom, but you can carry it with you in your bag( этот текст про планшет который может решать за тебя всю домашнюю работу, записать ее и в учебе!) СКАЖИ ПЛС, и если нужна обращайся!
If your homework had lots of mistakes and looked very messy, your teacher would probably give you a low mark. But with the Problem Pad, you can just wipe off any mistakes in your work and write it again. You might work out the ahswers to problems lost of times and your homework will still look neat. It is a portable whiteboard- similar to the one in a classroom, but you can carry it with you in your bag( этот текст про планшет который может решать за тебя всю домашнюю работу, записать ее и в учебе!) СКАЖИ ПЛС, и если нужна обращайся!