Нужна по ! 35 ! 1.choose the right form to complete the sentences 1.my little brother has never (swam/swum) in the sea. 2.i am learning english because i hope it will be (useful/ useless) to me. 3.our teacher usually hands (in/ out/ back) our exercise books when classes begin. 4.i borrowed this book (to/ from/ out) my uncle. 5.never talk (into / over / back) to me again! 6.if you (come / will come) tomorrow, you (see / will see) jane. 7.the teacher asked us to hand (in/ out/ back/ over) our papers on friday. 8.we`re such (-/ a/ an) good friends. 2.complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words the sun was shining in the (cloud) sky. she is a very (beauty) girl. theirs was a (child) family. they decide not to go to the (meet). 3. complete the sentences. use present perfect mum (not, give) my lunch yet. we (finish) our project. you (read) the text? they (write) test five. 4. form questions and negations. 1) she has already seen the new film. 2) we have taken so many pictures of central park. 5. write out british words. movie, rubbish, sidewalk, autumn, stove, pants, lift, tap, candy, chips, lorry, car park, drug store, fall, elevator

danil67896430643 danil67896430643    3   03.10.2019 19:10    6

Plushkina69 Plushkina69  17.08.2020 07:35
will seeoverа


cloudy beautiful-meeting


has givenhave finishedhave you red have written


has she seen...

she hasn't already...

автостоянка - parking lot - car park

аптека - drug store - chemist’s

бензин - gas (oline) - petrol

брюки - pants - trousers

грузовик - truck - lorry

жареный картофель (French) - fries - chips

(тонкими ломтиками)

кинотеатр - movie theatre - cinema

кинофильм - movie - film

конфета - candy - sweet

кран (водопроводный) - faucet - tap

лифт - elevator - lift

мусор - garbage - rubbish

мусорный бак/ящик - garbage can - dustbin

осень - fall - autumn

печенье - cookie - biscuit

плита - stove - cooker

свитер - sweater - jumper

тротуар - sidewalk – pavement

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