Нужна ! передайте значение каждого высказывания в и будущем времени. 1. when he comes to see me, he always brings flowers. 2. who plays this part in the movie? 3. what does he do when he comes home? 4. it takes me thirty minutes to get to the airoport. 5. what time does the shop open?

Dindonn Dindonn    2   01.06.2019 10:30    2

Mafg Mafg  02.07.2020 15:22
1) When he came to see me, he always brought flowers When he comes to see me, he will bring flowers 2) Who played this part in the movie? Who will play this part in the movie? 3) What did he do when he came home? What will he do when he comes home? 4) It took me thirty minutes to get to the airport. It will take me thirty minutes to get to the airport. 5) What time did the shop open? What time will the shop open?
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