НУЖНА ! Напишите ненужное слово в указанных строках.
Например: Do you remember TO having seen her earlier?

1 Jill doesn't enjoy playing handball and nor do I not.
2It's no use to crying over such a small thing.
3Elaine ought to have been informed earlier about this.
4 Anna needn't come to the party if she's not feel well.
5David admitted having lied to his father.
6Why don't we stop to being get some rest and continue later?​

korostin2004 korostin2004    1   27.06.2021 12:28    1

Samoilov2903 Samoilov2903  27.07.2021 12:30

1. Jill doesn't enjoy playing handball and nor do I NOT.

2. It's no use TO crying over such a small thing.

3. Elaine ought to have been informed EARLIER about this.

4. Anna needn't come to the party if she's not FEEL well.

5. David admitted having lied TO his father.

6. Why don't we stop to BEING get some rest and continue later.

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