Нужна , кто знает. нужно в пропусках поставить who, that или which complete the sentences using who, that or which, but only where necessary – leave a blank if possible. in one sentence two answers are possible. 1. we examined the articles of the pension fund stated the conditions of employment with the company. 2. the pension fund accounts we examined were impeccable. 3. he’s lost the chances retraining gave him. 4. peter, has only been with the company for a few years, can make full use of the workers. 5. where are the data measure the amount of work you have done? 6. this is the application came in today’s post. 7. if the shares mr. harper owns are bought by a rival firm, the present set-up could change completely. 8. the chairman, is an elderly man, feels very tired. 9. a customer is someone buys something from a shop. 10. macroeconomics is the branch of economics analyses interrelationship among sectors of economy.

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