НУЖНА А) donate б) animal clinic в)
foster home г) staff д) support е) involved ж) leash з) shelter и) caretaker к) permanent
1) — a person who looks after people or animals

2)— to give money or goods to help a person or organisation

3)— a place where they take care of a child or animal

4)— interested in or the one who's taking part in an activity or event

5)— a rope (or light chain) used to keep an animal from running away

6)— a place that gives protection from bad weather, danger, etc.

7)— lasting or continuing for a long time or forever

8)— the group of people who work for an organisation

9)— to help someone emotionally or in a practical way

10)— a hospital where they treat and take care of animals

kopachkirya03 kopachkirya03    3   04.03.2020 13:46    131

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