нужен рассказ про лагерь на английском 10 предложений что бы возможно было выучить. 7 класс. ​

vanuaevstifeev vanuaevstifeev    2   24.01.2021 13:50    2

irinslab irinslab  23.02.2021 13:52

In the summer we all get together and go to the summer camp. We spend 10 days there. Most often we go to the forest and spend the night there, setting up chambers and kindling a fire. In the camp we play many team games, swim in the river and just have fun with everyone. And we love to play pranks on each other and scare each other at night. We tell scary stories. We gather in secret at night and have a party. Now we have winter and we are looking forward to the summer holidays to spend time together at the camp.


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