Нужен перевод! : с только правильный не просто с переводчика. это случилось в субботу. василиса и наташа пошли гулять. они были лучшими подругами и все их знали. василиса захотела почитать на улице страшные , поэтому они вышли в 7 часов вечера. они сели на лавочку и в темноте начали читать. было страшно. девочки не заметили как пришла полночь. наташа и василиса испугались что родители будут за них волноваться, но на телефоне от них не было ни одного звонка. тогда подруги собрались и пошли домой. вокруг была тишина, но наташа чувствовала на себе чей-то взгляд. ей было страшно и она хотела скорее попасть домой. внезапно раздался крик, девочки вздрогнули. потом кто-то опять закричал только с другой стороны. наташа испугалась и тоже взвизгнула. василиса схватила за руку наташу и они побежали вперед. на следующий день объявили о пропаже. девочки не добежали до дома.

yousei1234 yousei1234    1   11.09.2019 05:50    0

shaluni2005 shaluni2005  16.08.2020 13:58

It happened last Saturday. Vasilisa and Natasha went for a walk. They were best friends and everybody knew them . Vasilisa wanted to read ghost stories on the street, so they left at 7 o'clock in the evening. They sat down on the bench and began to read in the dark. It was scary. The girls didn’t notice how midnight came. Natasha and Vasilisa were frightened that their parents would worry about them, but there wasn’t a single phone call from them. Then the girlfriends gathered and went home. There was silence all around, but Natasha felt someone's eyes on her. She was very scared and she wanted to get home soon. Suddenly there was a cry, the girls jumped. Then someone shouted again from the other side. Natasha was frightened and screamed too. Vasilisa grabbed Natasha's hand and they ran forward. The next day, they announced a loss. The girls didn’t reach home.

P.S: Я не знаю, как пишется Василиса. В переводчике так:Vasilisa. Так что на все 100 на счет нее я не уверена.

Киря0701 Киря0701  16.08.2020 13:58
It happened last Saturday. Vasilisa and Natasha went for a walk. They were best friends and they all knew. Vasilisa wanted to read terrible stories on the street, so they left at 7 o'clock in the evening. They sat down on the bench and began to read in the dark. It was scary.The girls did not notice how midnight came. Natasha and Vasilisa were frightened that their parents would worry about them, but there was not a single phone call from them. Then the girlfriends gathered and went home. There was silence all around, but Natasha felt someone's eyes on her. She was very scared and she wanted to get home soon. Suddenly there was a cry, the girls jumped. Then someone shouted again from the other side. Natasha was frightened and screamed too. Vasilisa grabbed Natasha's hand and they ran forward. The next day, they announced a loss. The girls didn`t reach home.
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