Нужен перевод nowadays there is more (pressing) than ever to stay young this may explain the popularity of a computer game which claims to improve the brain's (performance) each (activity) in brain age, which includes lots of puzzles and mathematical problems, has been specially designed to stop mental (ability) deteriorating. after playing the game, you are told what your brain age' is. a 30-year-old man or woman might be (surprised) to find they have the brain age of a 50-year-old, for example. (improveness) is possible, however! the makers of the say that playing it game, designed by a japanese (proferssos) will make your brain'younger'. a combination of (entertainment) and mental stimulation for the older generation, it has already become a great (succers) in japan, where an amazing fifth of the total is over 65 years old. so if your grandma or grandad (popularity) is starting to get a bit forgetful, maybe it's time you introduced them to computer games!