Нужен перевод на : я встал утром и пошёл умываться после этого я пошёл кушать и начал собираться на 1 сентября.после линейки мы пошли в класс и стояли около класса ждали открытия класса.после открытия мы вошли ,получили учебники и пошли домой

tasn tasn    2   11.09.2019 15:50    0

Piragovicch Piragovicch  10.09.2020 01:49
I got up in the morning and went to wash after that I went to eat and started to gather on September 1. After the line we went to the classroom and stood near the class waiting for the opening class. After the opening we went in, got the textbooks and went home.
Katuchka001 Katuchka001  10.09.2020 01:49
I got up and went to wash up then I went to eat and began to gather on 1 September.After the Assembly we went to class and stood outside the class waiting for the opening class.After the opening we came in ,got the books and went home
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