Number of connections: 3 drama A story whose plot revolves around the investigation and solving of a crime. A humorous story full of romantic ideas about true love and friendship. romantic comedy detective story (D A story about real life situations, where characters are in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature.

Number of connections: 3 drama A story whose plot revolves around the investigation and solving of a

1232946 1232946    3   28.12.2021 16:24    0

М4ш4 М4ш4  28.12.2021 16:30


detective story - story whose plot revolves around the investigation and solving of a crime (3-1);

romantic story - humorous story full of romantic ideas about true love and friendship (2-2);

drama - story about real life situations, where characters are in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature. (1-3)

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