Notes A First Conditional/future time clouses
The First Conditional corres
Simple Man Claura or Mandanten
slours) lo about the future and describes
wituations that are likely to happen.
You have to use a comma to separate the IT
clausa from the main elause when the
clatge comes first, as In Techartres In
time, we'll go to the cinema!
In futuro Plate chances, the present omple
buzdin prosed beglming with before,
a3 SOOR , oner, und unless and when
and the main chaude comes in the future
As soon as he gets Home, Lill call you,
B-The Zero Conditional
The Zero conditional is about something
that is always true
Both verba (It clause • Main Clause)
are in the Present Simple, as in
If he's not at home by six, I call the school.
You can use when
it in the zero
In case means because it's possible
that. Its related to precaution,
as in
I wear tivo watches, In case one of them
Unless means acept ifrif not, as in
I won't go to the party unless you come
and pick me up
I won't go to the party If you don't come
and pick me up.
She'll have to move house unless she gets
that fob she's applied for (Shell have to
move house if she doesn't get the job she's
applied for).
We can use modals In the main clause of
conditlonals, as in
If you want your kids to be independent,
you shouldn't protect then so much
Inperatives can be used in the man clause
of the zero conditional, as in
If you come home late, don't make any
noise, please,