Niece sister-in-law daughter nephew son grandparents half-brother parents nurse son-in-law brother-in-law husband wife half-sister stepmother stepbrother 1. lucy is andrea and joseph's little … . 2. donald and rosemary's … is an affectionate husband. 3. charles's … robin wasn't fond of school in his childhood. 4. andrea's … david is very enthusiastic about fishing. 5. charles doesn't show much respect to his … rosemary. 6. being spoiled by his … and … charles grew up to be a very selfish man. 7. robin is secretly in love with his … amanda.

mboyko2005 mboyko2005    3   03.09.2019 22:50    3

KarinaKrasko KarinaKrasko  06.10.2020 15:47
1. daughter
2. son-in-law
3. brother-in-law
4. nephew
5. stepmother
6. parents and grandparents
7. nurse