New Zealand

New Zealand is a country in the Pacific Ocean, situated to the southeast from Australia. The country consists of two main islands and a number of smaller ones. All of them belong to the large group of Polynesian Islands. As one of the former colonies of Great Britain, now New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth. It is formally the constitutional monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II being Head of State. The Queen appoints the governor who rules in her name. But, as well as in the UK, the Queen and her representatives have little or no power. In fact, the Prime Minister is the ruler.

New Zealand is a rich country, most of its wealth being due to agricultural activities. The rate of life in New Zealand is really high. Auckland is the largest city in the country. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. English is the official language in the country, though in some schools Maori, which is the language of the native population, is taught as well.


1. Answer the questions about New Zealand.

• Where is the country situated?

• What is the size of the country?

• What are its main cities? What is the capital of the country?

• Where is the majority of the population concentrated?

• What is the most important sphere of economy of the country?

• Is the country rich in natural resources? What are they?

• Who is formally recognized as Head of State in New Zealand?

• What is the official language of the country?

2. Think of the beginning of the following sentences:

a. ... a country in the Pacific Ocean.

b. ... consists of two main islands and a number of smaller ones.

c. ... belong to Polynesian Islands

d. ... is a member of the Commonwealth.

e. …the governor who rules in her name.

f. ... is the ruler.

g. ... due to agricultural activities.

h. …is really high..

3. Write down a story about New Zealand using the plan:

o The country’s territory.

o The country’s population.

o Head of State.

o The country’s main cities.

o The country’s economy and resources.

kiakev kiakev    2   17.04.2020 12:55    35

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