Nearly every weekend in the summer there are highland games somewhere in scotland, but the biggest games are at cowal. people from all over the world come to watch or take part. over three thousand bagpipers and drummers play all day and there is a wonderful atmosphere. there are highland dancing competitions as well as events like throwing the hammer or 'tossing the caber'- throwing a large tree as far as possible. all the athletes wear traditional kilts. what must you do if you participate in tossing the caber? a) play a drum b) throw the hammer c) wear a kilt d) throw a tree e) dance

адэли12 адэли12    1   28.07.2019 15:20    4

Elka6677 Elka6677  31.08.2020 01:24
ответ: D) Throw a three 
рвржвжчржч рвржвжчржч  31.08.2020 01:24
Что ты должен сделать, если ты будешь участвовать в бросаний бревна?
D) throw a tree-бросать дерево
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