Не могу ничего придумать(перевод не нужен): say what you would do if: 1 )you were a) a king b) a famous actor c) a very rich person d) an explorer e) father christmas; 2)you had a) a talent for painting b) a toy factory c) a computer d) a camera e) a big collection of book.
1 if I were a king I would make all people free and raise their salaries
2 if I were a fam. actor I would try my hand at signing as well : -)
3 if I were a very rich person I would grant some share of my money to poor people
4 if I were an explorer I would explore each corner of this big wonderful world
5 if I were a Father Christmas I would bring children sick from incurable ilnesses (such as AIDS and cancer) health and happiness
6 if I had a talant for painting I would make this world a bit more colourful
7 if I had a toy factory I would give poor children the best toys I had
8 computer - I would make myself famous in my country -))
9 camera - i would take the best pictures and videos of my family and friends to remember them all
10 collection of books - i would read them all and lend them to my friens so that they could know smth interesting as well