Найти подлежащее и сказуемое, обстоятельства и дополнение в этих предложениях, времени мало ( 4. “well, it's no secret that the best thing about a secret is secretly telling someone your secret, thereby, secretly adding another secret to their secret collection of secret, secretly." 5. “do you smell it? that smell, the kind of smelly smell. a smelly smell that smelly." 6. “patrick, i don't think wumbo is a real word." "come on. you know, i wumbo, you wumbo, he/she/me wumbo. wombology, the study of wumbo! it's first grade spongebob! " 7. "i don't get it. i made my house a mess, which was making it clean, which made squidward clean my yard, but that really means he's messing it up. but the opposite of clean is filth, which means filth is clean, that means squidward is really making my yard a wreck, but i normally wreck my own yard which means, squidward is being the opposite of squidward which means he's spongebob! " “is mayonnaise an instrument? " 10. “you don't need a license to drive a sandwich. 11. “the best time to wear a striped sweater…is all the time." 12. “once there was an ugly barnacle. he was so ugly that everyone died… the end." 15. “can i be excused for the rest of my life? " 17. "patrick, you're a genius! " "yeah, i get called that a lot." "what? a genius? " "no, patrick." "oh, these aren't homemade. they were made in a a bomb factory. they're bombs."