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2nd March England, London Dear Berth, thank you for your letter. Sorry I haven’t written for you before, as I’m up to my neck in business. Actually, I’m in need of pocket money like you and like you I’m crazy about computers. So, last month I started repairing my neighbours computers. They told their neighbours about that and so forth. Now I go to different people’s houses on my bike to help them with any problems they have. This week I’ve already fixed 5 computers and the people seem happy to my service. At least I haven’t had any complaints yet. Anyway, enough about me. How you about? Now I have to stop writing, because my mobile is ringing. Maybe, somebody needs my help in the computer! Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Nick

Задание: "Найти 10 ошибок в письме (Правописание, грамматика, �труктура во

Tori1111111 Tori1111111    3   07.04.2020 07:18    18

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