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The EDVAC (1946 – 1952)
Although the idea of an automatic computing engine occurred first to Charles Babbage in 1832, it was more than a century later, in 1945, that John von Neumann set out the principles that fixed the patterns of computer design.
Dr. John von Neumann, professor of mathematics at the Prinston Institute of Advanced Study, together with P. Eckert, J.Mauchly and Goldstine became a project member of a new improved computer, the Electronic Discrete Variable Computer ( EDVAC). Von Neumann was a major contributor to the project as he developed the concept of storing instructions as well as data in the memory of the computer. As a result it became possible to replace the writing board, which so seriously handicapped the operation of the ENIAC.
Von Neumann is also given a share of the credit for introducing the idea of storing both instructions and data in a binary code instead of decimal numbers or human-readable words.

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