Найдите в тексте неправильные глаголы и правильные глаголы Sport plays a big role in my life. Sport makes people healthy. People can go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, basketball, football. Children can play games at the stadium, fields or at the sports ground, swim in the swimming pools, skate on the skating rink or ski in the mountains. Pupils have P.E. lessons at school. After school they can go to the sporting clubs and complexes. All kind of sports are popular in Russia. Football, gymnastics and tennis are the most popular. I go in for table-tennis. Sometimes I go to the tennis courts. In Great Britain the most popular sports are horse riding, golf and football.
правильные: play, ski, skate
неправильные: make, swim, have, go, are (to be)
Правильные: play, skate, ski
Неправильные: make, go, swim, have