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Text “Alternative solutions to identify malware”
Specialist tools
Virus removal tools are available to help remove stubborn infections or certain
types of infection.
A rescue disk that is bootable, such as a CD or USB storage device, can be used
to run antivirus software outside of the installed operating system, in order to
remove infections while they are dormant. A bootable antivirus disk can be useful
when, for example, the installed operating system is no longer bootable or has
malware that is resisting all attempts to be removed by the installed antivirus
software. Examples of some of these bootable disks include the Avira AntiVir
Rescue System, PCTools Alternate Operating System Scanner, and AVG Rescue
CD. The AVG Rescue CD software can also be installed onto a USB storage
device that is bootable on newer computers.
Cloud antivirus
Cloud antivirus is a technology that uses lightweight agent software on the
protected computer, while offloading the majority of data analysis to the provider's
One approach to implementing cloud antivirus involves scanning suspicious
files using multiple antivirus engines. This approach was proposed by an early
implementation of the cloud antivirus concept called CloudAV. CloudAV was
designed to send programs or documents to a network cloud where multiple
antivirus and behavioral detection programs are used simultaneously in order to
improve detection rates. Parallel scanning of files using potentially incompatible
antivirus scanners is achieved by spawning a virtual machine per detection engine
and therefore eliminating any possible issues. CloudAV can also perform
"retrospective detection," whereby the cloud detection engine rescans all files in its
file access history when a new threat is identified thus improving new threat
detection speed. Finally, CloudAV is a solution for effective virus scanning on
devices that lack the computing power to perform the scans themselves.