Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих фраз и выражений: 1. the organization which uses the money it earns to help people instead of making a profit
2. without payment
3. to travel to places by getting free rides from drivers of passing cars
4. unemployed
5. able to change or be changed easily to suit any new situation
When the locals are friendly
Living as part of the family is a key factor in an unusual organization which enables its members to travel without the usual trappings of tourist industry. Servas (the name means 'we serve' in Esperanto) is a non-profit-making organization dedicated to promoting 'peace and international understanding'. It operates in 80 countries around the world through a network of hosts who are willing to open their homes to visitors free of charge for two nights and sometimes longer. It is not a travel agency offering a cheap travel option, but is intended for the traveler who wants to get to know individuals and their culture by sharing their activities for a short time.
This sort of travel suits the young but is by no means restricted to them. Last year Irv from the US, aged 64, hitchhiked round Britain, spending 22 nights with 12 Servas hosts; 72-year-old Joyce from New Zealand traveled alone through Russia by rail - 'All across the country, 9,000 miles. I taught the Mongolians to play Snap and learned to tell my life story in Russian! Sometimes it is the only way to find out what goes on behind closed doors in countries not renowned for their openness to visitors.
Bridget and Bill from England stayed in Fez, Morocco. Their Servas host was a young, out-of-work waiter, through whom Bridget and Bill learned how serious a problem unemployment is in Morocco for the university educated. Receiving Servas visitors offers them some contact with an outside world which they are unlikely to gain visas to visit. 'Men and women lead very separate lives! Bridget discovered. 'I covered my head with a scarf to gain respect among the men - but they found it unusual that I wanted to join in the discussions and they tended to avoid eye contact. As I could also go to the kitchen and talk to the women about their lives and problems, I had the best of both worlds!’
Such visits are bound to break down prejudices. Before visiting Japan, Johannes from Germany was under the impression that Japanese women didn't talk much. Now he knows that this is not so. The women who talked about their young children were extremely worried about them, much more so than I feel Europeans are. The school system in Japan seems to put children under enormous pressure!
You must be flexible: things will be different. Mary, traveling in India, was proudly told by her Indian host, 'we have water'. This turned out to be cold water for short periods, twice a day. The lavatories she found 'difficult', as well as the fact that she came across hot water only twice in seven weeks.
On the other hand, sometimes western visitors prepare themselves for the shock of poor hygiene and poverty only to find the most wonderful hospitality. Not only may your hosts feed you meals they can ill-afford but they may also insist that you then take their bed while they sleep on the floor.
Rupert from San Francisco, a regular host, says 'I have no agenda for my guests. If they want to stay one night or one month - they are welcome. If they want to spend most of their days doing the tourist thing, I will support that. If they just want to hang out with me - fabulous!'