Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и выражениям и запишите их:

самый существенный элемент дома; силовые конструкции; фундаментальные стены; несущая стена; бетон или дерево; подверженные обработке давлением; имеющий предрасположенность к размыванию; единственное решение; вся длина стены; ступенчатое основание; большая бетонная подушка; быть усиленным сталью; растягивающее напряжение; бетонная плита; распределять нагрузку здания.


The structure of a home is the most fundamental element of the home, a skeleton of the house. Though building methods varied at times and from region to region, some basic elements are present in all homes. These include the foundation on which the structure stands, the walls, floors, ceilings, roof framing and support members.

Foundations are considered as the feet of any house. There are basically four types of foundations used most commonly in residential construction: pile foundations, continuous or spread footings, foundation walls and mat foundations.

Pile Foundations: A pile is a column that transfers the load of the building to the soil. A beam is placed under each load-bearing wall and the ends of the beam are then supported on piles. Piles can be made from steel, pressure-treated wood or concrete. Such foundations are useful for either very “heavy” buildings, or in regions where the top soil is unstable, prone to erosion etc. The pile is dug into the earth until a stable soil layer or rock formation is reached. Another application is in places where spread footings are impossible to construct due to topography (like very steep sloping sites). In such situations, piles are the only solution.

Continuous or Spread Footings: As the name suggests, these foundations are constructed along the entire length of the wall. The width of the footing is more than that of the wall. Hence, the load of the structure is “spread” over a large area. Spread footings are made of concrete. They are placed below the frost line. Reinforcement steel is used to give strength to concrete in tension. A variation to the spread footing is the step footing. This is made by creating a stepped pyramid of brick layers over a large concrete pad. Step footings are common in many parts of the world.

Foundation Walls: Generally seen in accessible basements, foundation walls transfer the load of the building to the foundation. Such walls are usually made of poured concrete, but more commonly, of hollow concrete blocks. Sometimes brick and stone are also used. The concrete walls are reinforced with steel against the tensile stresses generated due to the top loading (of the structure above). When steel is used in hollow concrete blocks, concrete must be poured to hold the steel in place.

Mat Foundations: In certain situations, especially where the natural water table is high, a mat or raft foundation is used. This is basically a concrete slab of the same size as the building. It is reinforced and distributes the load of the building over the entire area. This is also useful when the soil is uneven and will settle under focused loads.
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и выражениям и запишите их:

самый существенный элемент дома; силовые конструкции; фундаментальные стены; несущая стена; бетон или дерево; подверженные обработке давлением; имеющий предрасположенность к размыванию; единственное решение; вся длина стены; ступенчатое основание; большая бетонная подушка; быть усиленным сталью; растягивающее напряжение; бетонная плита; распределять нагрузку здания.

АГОСЯ АГОСЯ    3   07.05.2020 01:51    499

y2334455 y2334455  15.01.2024 11:27
1. самый существенный элемент дома - the most fundamental element of the home
2. силовые конструкции - structural members
3. фундаментальные стены - foundation walls
4. несущая стена - load-bearing wall
5. бетон или дерево - concrete or wood
6. подверженные обработке давлением - subject to compression
7. имеющий предрасположенность к размыванию - prone to erosion
8. единственное решение - the only solution
9. вся длина стены - entire length of the wall
10. ступенчатое основание - stepped footing
11. большая бетонная подушка - large concrete pad
12. быть усиленным сталью - reinforced with steel
13. растягивающее напряжение - tensile stress
14. бетонная плита - concrete slab
15. распределять нагрузку здания - distribute the load of the building
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