Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским словам и словосочетанием 1.профессиональные компетенции юристов
2.представлять информацию в ясной и краткой форме
3.овладеть юридической терминологией
4.развивать внимательно слушать собеседника
5.составлять сложные юридические документы
6.овладеть основами грамматики
7.составлять ходатайства , записки по делу
8.обслуживать клиента честно и ответственно
9.просматривать и усваивать большой объем информации
10.навыки логического рассуждения
11.делать выводы и умозаключения
12.осваивать технологии общения
13.на нижней ступени карьерной лестници
14.знания материального права и судопроизводства
15.выдерживать большие рабочие нагрузки
16.почасовая оплата
17.развивать высочайшие навыки самоорганизации
18.работа в команде

Человечишки Человечишки    1   30.11.2020 18:44    248

Kolyakek Kolyakek  10.01.2024 19:20
1. Professional skills of lawyers - профессиональные навыки юристов
To find the English equivalent for "профессиональные компетенции юристов", we can translate it as "professional skills of lawyers." The word "компетенции" means "competencies" or "skills," and "юристов" means "of lawyers." So, the phrase refers to the skills and abilities that lawyers should possess in their profession.

2. Presenting information in a clear and concise form - представление информации в ясной и краткой форме
To translate this phrase, we can say "presenting information in a clear and concise form." The word "представлять" means "to present," "информацию" means "information," "в" means "in," "ясной" means "clear," and "краткой" means "concise." So, it means to communicate information effectively in a way that is easy to understand and not overly lengthy.

3. Mastering legal terminology - овладение юридической терминологией
The English equivalent for "овладеть юридической терминологии" is "mastering legal terminology." The word "овладеть" means "to master" or "to acquire," and "юридической терминологией" means "legal terminology," referring to the specific language and vocabulary used in the field of law.

4. Developing attentive listening skills - развивать внимательное слушание собеседника
In English, we can say "developing attentive listening skills" to translate "развивать внимательное слушание собеседника." The word "развивать" means "to develop," "внимательное" means "attentive," "слушание" means "listening," and "собеседника" means "of the interlocutor." It refers to the ability to listen carefully and pay close attention to what the other person is saying.

5. Compiling complex legal documents - составление сложных юридических документов
To translate "составлять сложные юридические документы," we can say "compiling complex legal documents." The word "составлять" means "to compile" or "to compose," "сложные" means "complex," and "юридические документы" means "legal documents." It refers to the skill of creating detailed and intricate legal papers.

6. Mastering the basics of grammar - овладение основами грамматики
The English equivalent for "овладеть основами грамматики" is "mastering the basics of grammar." The word "овладеть" means "to master" or "to acquire," "основами" means "basics," and "грамматики" means "grammar." It refers to the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental rules and structure of a language.

7. Drafting petitions and case memoranda - составление ходатайств, записок по делу
To translate "составлять ходатайства, записки по делу," we can say "drafting petitions and case memoranda." The word "составлять" means "to draft" or "to compose," "ходатайства" means "petitions," "записки" means "memoranda," and "по делу" means "related to the case." It refers to the skill of writing formal requests and documents for legal purposes.

8. Providing honest and responsible client service - обслуживание клиента честно и ответственно
In English, we can say "providing honest and responsible client service" to translate "обслуживание клиента честно и ответственно." The word "обслуживание" means "service," "клиента" means "client," "честно" means "honestly," and "ответственно" means "responsibly." It refers to the attitude and approach of serving clients with integrity and reliability.

9. Reviewing and assimilating a large volume of information - просматривать и усваивать большой объем информации
The English equivalent for "просматривать и усваивать большой объем информации" is "reviewing and assimilating a large volume of information." The word "просматривать" means "to review," "усваивать" means "to assimilate" or "to comprehend," "большой" means "large," "объем" means "volume," and "информации" means "information." It refers to the ability to go through and understand a significant amount of data.

10. Logical reasoning skills - навыки логического рассуждения
To translate "навыки логического рассуждения," we can say "logical reasoning skills." The phrase refers to the ability to think in a logical and rational manner, making deductions and drawing conclusions based on facts and evidence.

11. Making conclusions and inferences - делать выводы и умозаключения
In English, we can say "making conclusions and inferences" to translate "делать выводы и умозаключения." The phrase refers to the skill of making judgments and drawing logical conclusions based on available information and evidence.

12. Acquiring communication technologies - осваивать технологии общения
The English equivalent for "осваивать технологии общения" is "acquiring communication technologies." The word "осваивать" means "to acquire" or "to learn," "технологии" means "technologies," and "общения" means "communication." It refers to the process of learning and using different tools and platforms for effective communication.

13. Being at the lower step of the career ladder - на нижней ступени карьерной лестницы
To translate "на нижней ступени карьерной лестницы," we can say "being at the lower step of the career ladder." This phrase refers to being in the initial stages or a lower position in one's professional advancement.

14. Knowledge of substantive law and legal proceedings - знание материального права и судопроизводства
The English equivalent for "знание материального права и судопроизводства" is "knowledge of substantive law and legal proceedings." The phrase refers to understanding the fundamental principles and regulations of law and knowing the procedures followed in legal cases.

15. Handling heavy workloads - выдерживать большие рабочие нагрузки
To translate "выдерживать большие рабочие нагрузки," we can say "handling heavy workloads." The phrase refers to the ability to manage and cope with a significant amount of work and responsibilities.

16. Hourly payment - почасовая оплата
The English equivalent for "почасовая оплата" is "hourly payment." It refers to the remuneration received based on the number of hours worked.

17. Developing highly effective self-organization skills - развивать высочайшие навыки самоорганизации
In English, we can say "developing highly effective self-organization skills" to translate "развивать высочайшие навыки самоорганизации." The phrase refers to the process of improving one's ability to manage time, tasks, and resources efficiently and independently.

18. Working in a team - работа в команде
To translate "работа в команде," we can say "working in a team." The phrase refers to collaborative work within a group of individuals towards a common goal.
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