Найдите в предложениях лишний артикль the. 1) it's not true that english people drink the tea all the time. 2) drinking the coffee helps me to wake up in the morning. 3) people in the argentina often have a barbecue at the weekend. 4) the japanese tea isn't the same as english tea. 5) have you heard the news? the price of the petrol is going up again? 6) marco says that the best ice cream comes from the italy. 7) in the some parts of the united states, you can't drive until you're 18.

7777kby777777777778 7777kby777777777778    2   23.06.2019 11:10    7

roncray1 roncray1  02.10.2020 09:16
1,2,6,7 предложения
BlockStriker1 BlockStriker1  02.10.2020 09:16
1)...drink tea all the time
2) Drinking the coffee...
3)...in the Argentina...
4)The Japanise...
5)The price...
6)...the Italy
7)...the US...
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