Найдите в предложении герундий и определите его функцию: what is the purpose of going there? what’s the purpose of his going there? i’m grateful for his helping me. i’m grateful for his having helped me. we inform you of the bank’s crediting your account with the sum of $100. we inform you of crediting your account with the sum of $100.we thank you for sending us your catalogues

Пётр75 Пётр75    3   27.05.2019 15:10    8

monyachina1081p08tm7 monyachina1081p08tm7  24.06.2020 16:26
Going, helping, crediting, sending
katyastulova23 katyastulova23  24.06.2020 16:26
Going object(дополнение)
helping object
having helped verb (сказуемое)
crediting object
sending object
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