Найдите в каждом предложении сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и залог(passive and active) 1.most of the industrial enterprises are located in the eastern part of the country. 2. among the crops grown on the farms are the wheat, barley and oats. 3. weather conditions affected the prises of many agricultural produce. 4. in the past few years the number of workers has increased only a few per cent, while the number of scientists and engineers in the plants has almost doubled. 5. the number of giant companies is decreasing. 6. many branches of light industry are also developed among them are the textile, food and woodworking industries. 7. britain’s economy largely depends on imports. 8. exports went up two years later. 9. has she ever been to england? 10. the production was increasing very slowly.
2. grown - passive poice pr. simple
3. affected - active voice past simple
4. increased, doubled - active, present perfect
5. decreasing - active pr. continuous
6. developed - passive, pr. simple
7. depends - active pr. simple
8 went up - active past simple
9. been - active, present perfect
10 increasing - active, past continuous