Найдите в каждом предложении лишний артикль the. Предложения с лишним артиклем выписываете, лишний артикль подчеркиваете. 1. 8 o’clock is a good time to phone Thomas: he is always at the home in the evening.

2. It’s so cold today that a lot of people can’t go to the work.

3. The train times are different on the Saturdays.

4. What do you think of the public transport in the London?

5. You can use a Rail Card in most countries in the Europe.

6. Do the people drive on the left in the United States?

7. Our plane arrives in Los Angeles at the 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

НекоТян124 НекоТян124    3   30.11.2021 10:22    14

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