Найдите ошибки и исправьте их. 1. where your sister work? 2. i’m go to the cinema tonight. 3. how much you sleep? 4. we no wear a unifrom at school. 5. that’s my brother over three. he stands near the window. 6. clairy not like oranges. 7. sorry.you can’t speak to jane. she’s sleep. 8. my friend live in great britain. 9. peter's a businessman.he's working all over the world. cделайте !

bulatnurtdinov bulatnurtdinov    3   14.09.2019 23:10    191

onaleman onaleman  26.08.2020 20:54
1. Where does your sister work?
2. I'm going to the cinema tonight.
3. How much do you sleep?
4. We do not wear uniforms at school.
5. My brother is three. he is standing next to the window.
6. Clairy doesn't like oranges.
7. Sorry. You can not talk to Jane. She is sleeping.
8. My friend live in the Great Britain.
9. Peter is businessman. He is working all over the world.
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