- Английский язык
- Найдите ошибки + All our
Найдите ошибки
+ All our rooms are non-smoking if you wished to
+ Guests must leave their rooms by 12. 00. Please
smoke, please use the bakony.
contact reception when you plan to leave after 12. 00.
+ If you want breakfast in your room, please to phone + there is a fire, please leaving by the stairs; do not
use the lilt.
+ We provide 24-hour room service. If you needing any + If there is anything me can do to make your stay
items from our room service menu, please call 200.
more enjoyable, please hold us,

2.Во втором не надо( to)-If you want breakfast in your room, please phone
3.в 3м need просто-If you need any
4. Вместо when надо if
5.please leave the...
6.please tell