Найдите ! ll part read the article and fill in the gaps with sentences a-e. write the letter of the missing sentence in the box. there is one extra sentence you will not need. transfer your answers to the table. sandwich generation there are different families in terms of size and number of generations. there are so-called nuclear families, which consist of parents and dependent children, that is, children who are not old enough to take care of themselves in financial terms. there are also extended families, which also include grandmothers and grandfathers, sometimes even aunts and uncles with their spouses1 and kids. they all live together and form one household. in the past, most families in russia and other countries were extended families, and three or more generations used to live together. □ 1. the first refers, mainly, to the young generation — when young people become independent financially and are able to support themselves, they usually leave their parents' house. the latter is about elderly people — grandparents often want their own personal space too and live apart from their grown-up children as long as they are able to take care of themselves. however, a new trend of the contemporary society has been spotted recently by western researchers. statistics say that more and more people turn back to extended family lifestyle, when several generations live in one household. young people tend to stay with their parents even when they become adult. grandparents, who live longer than they used to, also prefer to share a flat or a house with their children and grandchildren, as they need support and company of other members of the family. but the main reason for that is, certainly, money. □ 2. it saves money and makes life easier as the household chores2 can be distributed among several members of the family according to their likes and abilities. along with those indisputable advantages there are some disadvantages — different generations have different values, habits and interests, they often get on each other's nerves, which lead to conflicts. □ 3. a new term "the sandwich generation" has appeared to denote these people. the sandwich generation are those who take care of the elderly and the young, and rule the family in general. □ 4. life is quite tough to her. to survive and to maintain a happy family she needs to exercise the extreme tolerance when looking after both children and parents. it would be nice of the other members of the family to appreciate it. a. there should be someone who is able to resolve conflicts, bridge different interests and take care of others. b. lots of people prefer extended family because it gives them comfort and support. c. nowadays the situation is different and many people prefer living on their own, if, of course, they can afford it and if their health allows them to do it. d. in most cases this is the daughter of the elderly generation and the mother of the young generation. e. its obvious that one big household is more economical than three little ones.

ЖақсыбаеваГүлзат ЖақсыбаеваГүлзат    2   06.04.2019 12:41    121

daniildorunov daniildorunov  19.01.2024 09:49
Очень хорошо, я с удовольствием выступлю в роли школьного учителя и помогу вам разобраться с этим заданием. В данном упражнении вам предлагается прочитать статью и заполнить пропуски в предложениях из списка a-e. Вам нужно выбрать подходящее предложение и вписать букву выбранного предложения в соответствующее место в таблице. Одно предложение из списка нам не понадобится.

Давайте разберемся с первым пропуском. В статье говорится о различных типах семей - ядерных и многопоколенных семьях. В первом предложении уже упоминается то, что нуклеарная семья состоит из родителей и зависимых детей. Поэтому предложение "there are so-called nuclear families, which consist of parents and dependent children, that is, children who are not old enough to take care of themselves in financial terms" соответствует первому пропуску.

Теперь перейдем ко второму пропуску. В статье говорится о новом тренде, когда несколько поколений живут в одном домохозяйстве. Во втором предложении говорится о том, что это экономит деньги и упрощает жизнь, так как домашние обязанности могут быть распределены между разными членами семьи в соответствии с их предпочтениями и способностями. Поэтому предложение "it saves money and makes life easier as the household chores can be distributed among several members of the family according to their likes and abilities" подходит для второго пропуска.

Третий пропуск сильно связан с предыдущим абзацем, где упоминается о новом термине "the sandwich generation". В статье говорится, что эти люди заботятся о пожилых и молодых, и руководят семьей в целом. Таким образом, третьим предложением подходит "a new term "the sandwich generation" has appeared to denote these people. the sandwich generation are those who take care of the elderly and the young, and rule the family in general".

Осталось только пропуски номер 4 и 5. Четвертый пропуск говорит о том, что "она" - это женщина, которая проживает в сложной ситуации и заботится одновременно о детях и родителях. Следовательно, в данном контексте предложение "in most cases this is the daughter of the elderly generation and the mother of the young generation" подходит для четвертого пропуска.

Пятый пропуск говорит о том, что одно большое домашнее хозяйство более экономически выгодно, чем три маленьких. В статье говорится, что это экономит деньги. Таким образом, предложение "its obvious that one big household is more economical than three little ones" подходит для пятого пропуска.

В итоге, мы заполнили все пропуски:

1 - B
2 - E
3 - C
4 - D
5 - A

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