Найдите и подчеркните в тексте все сказуемые, определите временную форму каждого сказуемого. finance is an offshoot or an outgrowth of economics, and many of the notable achievements in finance were made by individuals with economic backgrounds and positions as professors of economics. finance generally focuses on the study of prices, interest rates, money flows and the financial markets. finance seem to be most concerned with notions like the time value of money, rates of return, cost of capital, optimal financial structures and the qualification of risk. the fair price of an item is the intersection of supply, demand, marginal cost and marginal utility, that is not always very useful in actual practice. people want a number, and many billions of dollars are at stake in the proper pricing of loans, deposits, annuities, insurance policies and so forth. that is where finance comes into play – in establishing the theoretical understandings and actual models that allow for the pricing of risk and valuation of future cash flows. finance also informs business managers and investors on how to evaluate business proposals and most efficiently allocate capital. economics posits that capital should always be invested in a way that will produce the best risk-adjusted return; finance actually figures that process out.