Найдите ! i live in a small village called the marshwood. there aren't much people in my village. there are only a little houses and shops. however, the shops sell a lots of basic things like the bread and the milk there isn't many public transport either there are only a little buses during the week and on sundays there aren't some. most of a people travel by car to work in the city

Wjdjsjsksji Wjdjsjsksji    3   01.10.2019 21:00    15

1artemochek 1artemochek  09.10.2020 10:22
There are ,travelled будет
мимими109 мимими109  09.10.2020 10:22

I live in a small village called Marshwood (артикль перед деревнями/городами не ставится). There aren't MANY people in my village. There are only (артикль здесь не нужен, тк houses и shops в множ. числе) little houses and shops. However, the shops sell a LOT of (существует две формы - lots of и a lot of. можно поставить как одну, так и другую на твое усмотрение) basic things like bread and milk (артикли здесь не нужны, хлеб и молоко - неисчисляемые (хлеб был бы исчисляемым, если бы было a loaf of bread - буханка хлеба). There are only (артикль не нужен) little buses during the week and on Sundays there aren't ANY (в вопросах и отрицания употребляется any вместо some). Most (не нужен артикль и предлог of) people travel to work in the city by car (порядок слов нарушен).

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