Найдите 1 причастие настоящего времени, 2 герундия и найти предложение содержащие страдательный залог. blood contains a fluid called plasma plus microscopical cellular elements: erythrocytes, leucocytes, and thrombocytes. erythrocytes are red blood cells of which 4.5 – 5 million are found in each cubic millimeter. these cells are made in the bone marrow and are important in transporting oxygen from the lungs through the blood stream to the cells all over the body. the oxygen is then used up by body cells in the process of converting food to energy (catabolism). hemoglobin, containing iron, is an important protein in erythrocytes, which helps in carrying the oxygen as it travels through the blood stream. erythrocytes also carry away carbon dioxide (co2), a waste product of catabolism of food in cells, from the body cells to the lungs. on arriving there it is expelled in the process of breathing. leucocytes are white blood cells from 4.000 to 10.000 per cubic millimeter exiting in several types: granulocytes and agranulocytes, which are also subdivided into different types. granulocytes are cells with granules in their cytoplasm formed in the bone marrow. there are three types of granulocytes: eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils. agranulocytes are produced in lymph nodes and spleen. there are two types of agranulocytes: lymphocytes and monocytes. thrombocytes or platelets are tiny cells formed in the bone marrow. they are necessary for blood clotting. their number is 400.000 per cubic millimeter. the plasma is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred. the serum is the fluid portion of blood remaining after the coagulation process is completed.

akmallobanov akmallobanov    3   04.06.2019 11:55    3

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