Найди и исправь ошибки sam is the kind dog winter is coldest than spring monkeys are clever than rabbits july is the hotter month of all her picture is bader than henry's dogs are funnyer than mise

SkylloutBrain SkylloutBrain    2   14.10.2019 20:22    63

DanilVolkov95 DanilVolkov95  10.10.2020 06:43

Sam is the kindest dog

Winter is colder than spring

Monkeys are more clever than rabbits

July is the hottest moth of all

Her picture is worse than Henry

Dogs are funnier than mice

ziketeam123 ziketeam123  10.10.2020 06:43

это не точно, особенно во 2.

5. Её картина хуже картины Генри

6. Собаки смешнее чем мыши

Надеюсь, не надо объяснять (если надо, спрашивай)

Найди и исправь ошибки sam is the kind dog winter is coldest than spring monkeys are clever than rab
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