Natural disasters occur often and they can be scary. Knowing what to do when one happens can make you feel and be safer. For each natural disaster below write what you can do to

prepare and live through the event. Use basic linking words for connecting the paragraphs

(and, but, also, in order, so, etc.).




Ivan212144 Ivan212144    1   10.03.2021 12:38    12

Dashahaahaa Dashahaahaa  09.04.2021 12:39

if the earthquake is weak, stay at home.If you urgently need to take the necessary things and leave the house.And stay away from buildings

Close the doors, windows, balcony doors, window panes, and air vents tightly. ...

Turn off household appliances, gas.

If you have a basement or a cellar in your house: take the necessary things with you (documents, water, a flashlight, medicines) and hide there.

1. Create water reserves:

- in homes (using baths, any enameled containers of large capacity);

- on garden plots (by filling all available containers with water, placing them in the shade, or better buried in the ground).

2. Use water sparingly.

3. Determine the presence of lakes, swamps, and streams near homes and garden plots as additional water sources.

4. Keep pets in the premises (barn, barn), create in them

2-3-day supply of water.

5. Do not build an open fire near residential buildings, outbuildings and garden plots.

6. Carefully listen to the information of local executive authorities about the situation and perform the actions recommended in these conditions.

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