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заранее большое !
i spend my free time with my friends. we go to the movies and walk in the park. i like to go out with my friends so we get to know each other better and communicate better. in the park you can ride the rides, eat cotton candy.
[ ai spend mai fri: taim wið mai frends || wi: gəu tə ðə 'mu:vi ənd wɔːk in ðə pa:k || ai laik tə gəu aut wið mai frends səu wi: get tə nəu iːtʃ ˈʌðə 'betə ənd kəˈmjuːnikeit 'betə || in ðə pa:k ju kæn raid ðə raids | i:t ˈka:tn ˈkændi ]
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